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kind: testcase
title: Search Google 1
description: This is a awesome test case to search google
note: |-
  This is a multi line text field.
  Now not implemented in AIQ,
  But at some point we should.

  This field is used for giving
  additional details about test case,
  like pre-condition,
  setup instruction, etc.
- instr: open website
- instr: Enter
  data: New York
- instr: Hit Enter key
- instr: Wait 5 sec

     "kind": "testcase",
     "title": "Search Google 1",
     "description": "This is a awesome test case to search google",
     "note": "This is a multi line text field.\nNow not implemented in AIQ,\nBut at some point we should.\n\nThis field is used for giving\nadditional details about test case,\nlike pre-condition,\nsetup instruction, etc.",
     "test_steps": [
               "instr": "open website",
               "data": ""
               "instr": "Enter",
               "data": "New York"
               "instr": "Hit Enter key"
               "instr": "Wait 5 sec"
